Monday, January 24, 2011

The White Gaucin

Special places, special holidays

There is a small village in Spain which is so beautiful and so picturesque that when you visit Malaga, you must go and see it. Its name is Gaucin and its charm comes from the whiteness of his houses, the steepness of its every corner, the number of steps you have to climb in order to reach to your destination and the warmth of the 1,842 inhabitants. The region of Serrania de Ronda hosts this special place of Spain, a place which is surrounded by history from all sides. Very different histories and cultures have mingled in Gaucin; the proof lies in Loma de Enmedio, in Casa del Abrevadero, which are Roman remains and in the aspect of the houses, which was influenced by the Muslims. However, the past of Gaucin is strongly connected to the Romans; as they did it in every possession in Europe, Gaucin was also part of a network of roads between different points that they occupied. Tourists can still see the paved roads connecting Gibraltar and Ronda. Signs of the Arabs are still present in the ruins of Castille de Gaucin: an excavation and three wells make the specialists think that this was a route used by the Arabs to escape.

Sightseeing in Gaucin

Tourists have a lot of places to visit in Gaucin and many buildings and monuments to see. The San Sebastian Church lies in the middle of the village and it represents the departure point for many who come to visit Gaucin in their exploring adventure. The church, dating back to the 16th century, is one of the oldest buildings in the village that has managed to survive from top to bottom. Fuente de los Ses Canos is another amazing building dating back to the 18th century; together with the other old buildings and monuments in Gaucin, it helps tourists understand where the skills of the present architects of Spain come from.

Having fun

When you visit Gaucin, you have to take part in one of the traditional Spanish fiestas hosted by the village. Romeria de San Juan is the most popular one, an occasion to dance and listen to traditional music. The cuisine in Gaucin uses natural products cultivated in the region and, besides being very healthy, it is also very delicious. Try the melons, the grapes, and the dishes that use rabbit and pork and you won’t regret it!    

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